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Cinnamon Oil

The essential oil of cinnamon can be obtained by steam distillation from the bark, and it can also be extracted from the leaves. In aromatherapy, it is very important to distinguish the essential oils from the bark and the leaves, because the essential oils extracted from the bark are very irritating to the skin and must not be applied to the skin. The essential oils extracted from the leaves Although it is also irritating, it is not as strong as in the bark, so it must be carefully distinguished, and it must be clear and clear which part of the cinnamon essential oil you are using is made from. Generally speaking, the essential oil of cinnamon leaves is cheaper than the essential oil of cinnamon bark. If you see that cinnamon essential oil is not marked as part of cinnamon, don't buy it.


Cinnamon can help relieve pain. Because of its warming properties, it can help relieve poor circulation, muscle aches and joint pain. However, the amount of use must be very careful. The amount of dilution in vegetable oil must be very small, usually in Overall it is less than 0.5%.


The essential oil extracted from cinnamon leaves tastes like cloves. Chemical ingredients Cinnamon leaves contain eugenol, other ingredients include syringol, parabens, linalool, cinnamyl esters and a small amount of other ingredients.


Suitable essential oils are lavender, rosemary, thyme or other citrus essential oils and some fragrance essential oils.


It is a medium volatile oil.


Contraindications for use: Cinnamon leaves used on the skin will irritate the skin or mucous membranes. The dosage must be very low. Never use during pregnancy.

Cinnamon Oil

  • Botanical name: Cinnamomum Verum


    Manufacturing part: leaf


    Extraction method: distillation


    Origin of Origin: Sri Lanka


    Product information: 100% pure natural plant essential oil

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